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SoC 03
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Group Bonding


                           invites you

               to the 3rd School

on the Cloud Conference


Anything from anywhere,

in anytime,

on any device,

by anyone.

Anything from anywhere, in anytime, on any device, by anyone.

On 18 November 2016, School on the Cloud’s 3rd conference was held at the Flemish Parliament in Brussels. School on the Cloud is the European network that explores new dynamic Cloud-based ways in education.


GO! the Flemish Community Education organisation organised the event.

Key lectures were given by Professor Sugata Mitra (Hole in the Wall, School in the Cloud) and Ewan McIntosh (NoTosh Limited), among others. The event also included a number of interesting workshops on using the Cloud in education. Our aim was to illustrate the potential of Cloud-based learning, teaching and managing in education and consider its significance in the future.


The full programme for the event has been published. In the registration form below, you will find the summary of all workshops organised in the context of the Conference.

Please navigate to the Summit page below for accessing presentations, videos, photos and other related information.      





School on the Cloud's third conference

“School on the Cloud: a roadmap to a new teaching and learning paradigm”

Friday, 18 November 2016, Flemish Parliament, Leuvenseweg 86, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium

8:30 - 9:30 Registration, welcome & coffee                                                                  De Schelp


9:30 - 10:30 Welcome and SoC overview                                                                        De Schelp

  • Raymonda Verdyck, managing director of GO!

  • Konstantinos Doukas, Doukas School CEO

  • Sofie De Cupere, core partner of SoC


10:30 - 11:30 Keynote speech, School in the Cloud meets School on the Cloud      De Schelp

11:30 - 13:00 School on the Cloud workshops *                                                                             


13:00 - 14:00 Lunch                                                                                                               Zuilenzaal


14:00 - 16:00 Labs **                                                                                                                              


16:00 - 17:00 Keynote speakers                                                                                      De Schelp  





* School on the Cloud workshops.                                                                

WG iFuture: The Future of Cloud-based Education

Technology has long been at the heart of several efforts to forecast the future of education. This presentation focuses on three attempts made within SoC , in relation with the interface of Cloud computing and education, as well as new trends and changes in society, technology, education and innovation. As a result, four  scenarios were deduced about how Cloud-based education  in Europe might develop by 2025. The workshop ends with a debate on the implications of Cloud-based education and the policy changes that will be necessary in the future.

Language: English



WG iLeader: What Kind of Educational Leadership for the Cloud?

What does it take to become a positive and effective leader in Cloud-based education? What are the challenges? What kind of policy will be needed in the future, what means and guidelines are available?  What chances lie ahead in supporting Cloud leaders who are eager to innovate our educational system? In short, this workshop’s target is to explore future needs and opportunities to set up new projects.  If you are interested, please do start your contribution at: 

Language: English/Dutch


WG iLearner: The Method of Cloud-based learning

How can you organise and include Cloud-based learning in your curriculum? This workshop will give you the answer. First we will focus on how we look at Cloud-based teaching, combined with personalised learning. What makes personalised learning on the Cloud successful? A list of criteria - derived from research done  - will be presented and used as a basis to evaluate some practical examples. Finally it will be up to you to set up a good course, using the correct method of Cloud-based learning.

Language: English/Dutch

WG iTeacher: The Impact of Cloud-based Teaching

What impact does Cloud-based teaching and teacher education have on teachers and trainers? A PechaKucha will guide you through our answers to this question.  We would like to know your opinion on that matter, so feel free to join our discussion.  After that you will be shown an online catalogue of platforms, tools and apps for teachers, trainers and educators.  Quite a magnificent tool for integrating digital means into education.  Come and check it out!

Language: English/Dutch



** Labs                                                                                                                                                  



Microsoft Education Solutions in the Cloud

Microsoft provides a broad range of solutions in the Cloud to help the digital transformation of schools, teachers and students. This workshop will showcase the added value of Office 365 Education in the classroom and in the school, with tools like Microsoft Classroom, Onenote and other add-ins for Office.

Language: English/Dutch


How to make a dynamic Cloud book by mixing Apple & Google apps

In this hands-on workshop you will discover how some Apple & Google apps can be put into practice in a Cloud-based environment.  Being an eager user of these applications in the classroom, the presenter will show you some practical examples.  He will ask you to drudge up your sleeves, so in the end you will know how to use the apps and how to create a dynamic book of your own. 

Language: English/Dutch


Teaching STEM through the Internet of Things with SAM Labs and Proximus
SAM Labs builds the smartest construction kits on the market to learn the basics of programming with hands on inventing. The session will focus on getting everyone building and programming their own cars and games in no time. Starting off with a live talk about the importance of learning STEM in schools and how SAM helps this, followed by a live demo, we will then move into a hands on session for the participants to build their own Internet of Things projects. The objective is to show the school directors how they can empower and inspire their students with great technology, preparing them for the digital world."

Language: English/Dutch


iTalk: Cloud-based Research within Everyone’s Reach

Belgium’s youngest entrepreneur will explain how iTalk can help to make Cloud-based research as cheap as possible for those who cannot afford developing expensive research systems. iTtalk opens doors to universities, schools, organisations, companies, etc. Even to very young persons (6 year-olds also have an opinion). Come and listen to this young man of 17 who believes mankind will get better if we stay together and work together.

Language: English/Dutch



GO! 3.0: How Service Design can improve the Learning Processes in your School

This workshop deals with Service Design as a method that can be used by schools for software development and to improve their learning processes. Finding an affordable, suitable and sustainable software solution for a school’s educational DNA is quite a challenge. Using Service Design, GO! 3.0 scrutinizes any school’s DNA, to explore implicit knowledge about the learning processes. Pupils analyse their learning and co-create solutions to improve it. Their ideas can help you develop or improve software solutions of your own.

Language: English/Dutch




Design a Cloud with your Pupils using Raspberry Pi?

Do we really encourage our children to think independently by leaving them to expensive smartphones & tablets? Could Raspberry pi's (& Arduino's) be a better alternative?  At least, they are cheap, so we can afford failure during the learning process. Could  they be THE tools unleashing our next generation of technologists into hacking about the future Internet of Things & Cloud computing? That’s the issue of this workshop: can we bring our pupils to logical reasoning, using tangible cheap hardware and high-level programming languages?

Language: English/Dutch




Doukas School Cloud Success Stories

Workshop participants will have a hands-on experience of the process of creating educational material (based on PBL, Gamification, etc.), using repositories of the educational community, through interdisciplinary approaches (STEM, and others), in order to implement best practices, as successful stories. In view of “School on the Cloud” project outcomes (e.g. “unity without uniformity”), we are focusing on Cloud Computing and we are aiming at designing new school environments, based on Doukas School Educational Model, in order to provide students with 21st century competences. 

Language: English

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Print Programme


With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 


This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein


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