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The most difficult aspect in developing and applying ICT in any endeavour is the ability to evaluate mid – to long-term future perspectives. WG4 will seek to evaluate such future developments as they relate to education and cloud technology. In other words examine “Future scenarios for Education on the Cloud”. ...

Using the Cloud makes the potential of personalised learning a reality. But what exactly do we mean by ‘personalised learning’? Is it individualised learning, independent learning, self-organized learning or what? How do we fit personalised learning inside existing formal and non-formal education? If it improves motivation for learning, what about the effectiveness of learning?  ...

Are you an innovative teacher? What does that mean? What’s the role of the teachers in education today and in the future? Will coaching and providing a useful learning environment for students be more important? How will you help students making their own learning path and finding out different learning styles?  ...

Can education organizations take advantage of the potential offered by the Cloud? What prevents innovative leadership from pushing for change? What barriers are there to implementing the use of the Cloud in education? Working Group 1 (WG 1)  ...

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i-Learner –Integrating the Cloud: personalised learning
i-Learner – Integrating the Cloud: personalised learning

Using the Cloud makes the potential of personalised learning a reality. But what exactly do we mean by ‘personalised learning’? Is it individualised learning, independent learning, self-organized learning or what? How do we fit personalised learning inside existing formal and non-formal education? If it improves motivation for learning, what about the effectiveness of learning?


WG 3 brought together teachers and educators, from schools, colleges and adult education to exploit the opportunities resulting from the Cloud in both formal and informal learning situations. WG 3 defined personalised learning, and from existing good-practice case studies, developed a manual on how to implement it.


Four deliverables have been produced:

  • A guide based on state-of-the-art research literature review of research and innovative projects

  • A collection of good-practice case studies of the personalisation of learning will be produced, available through this website to provide educators with access to these cases

  • A manual for teachers, coordinators and trainers, downloadable and printed on demand

  • A training workshop to disseminate the findings and deliverables of this Working Group


The Working Group has been led by the Geography Department, Ghent University (Belgium).

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With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 


This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein


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