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i-Leader – Managing Cloud-based developments
Guidelines for education
Cloud-based developments

Can education organizations take advantage of the potential offered by the Cloud? What prevents innovative leadership from pushing for change? What barriers are there to implementing the use of the Cloud in education? Working Group 1 (WG 1)  ...

Are you an innovative teacher? What does that mean? What’s the role of the teachers in education today and in the future? Will coaching and providing a useful learning environment for students be more important? How will you help students making their own learning path and finding out different learning styles?  ...

The most difficult aspect in developing and applying ICT in any endeavour is the ability to evaluate mid – to long-term future perspectives. WG4 will seek to evaluate such future developments as they relate to education and cloud technology. In other words examine “Future scenarios for Education on the Cloud”. ...

Using the Cloud makes the potential of personalised learning a reality. But what exactly do we mean by ‘personalised learning’? Is it individualised learning, independent learning, self-organized learning or what? How do we fit personalised learning inside existing formal and non-formal education? If it improves motivation for learning, what about the effectiveness of learning?  ...

Can education organizations take advantage of the potential offered by the Cloud?

What prevents innovative leadership from pushing for change?

What barriers are there to implementing the use of the Cloud in education?


Working Group 1 (WG 1) brings together organizations dealing with these questions. It explores the rationale for change and deals with issues and barriers. Guidelines for education have been produced. 


Have your say on what policies for the Cloud in education should be promoted. Respond by completing this survey.  


WG 1 examines aspects of educational leadership, management and organizational change in an era of Cloud-based developments. The goal is to identify and share technological, social, economic, cultural and other experiences in different educational contexts. A promotional leaflet helps raise awareness of theses issues. 


Starting from the legacy of the European Digital Agenda initiative and Europe 2020, WG 1 will examine the different perspectives of educational organizations, producing guidance to support others making or considering Cloud-based developments. Creating a “Cloud-based Technologies Map" allows those involved in leading Cloud developments to consider different parameters in order to transfer good practice to their own circumstances. A publication reviewing  policy, leadership and management issues provides examples and cases of Cloud implementation in education.


This working group is led by the SME, Innovative Learning Network Ltd.


The activities responded to the questions:

  • How vital is Cloud computing to 21st century education?

  • What really prevents educational organisations from implementing Cloud solutions and limits its integration in learning and teaching?


These were some of the topics discussed at the different School on the Cloud iManager workshops held in Šiauliai, Lithuania (2015) and Sofia, Bulgaria (2016). The important role of inspirational leadership in education was discussed in bypassing the many barriers to the transition of education organisations into the Cloud. 


A set of case studies were produced by the participants. These illustrated how how important it was to establish a clear digital strategy, build digital capabilities and establish pathways for success. These are the key features of the recommendations being made to policy makers and decision takers in education.


The Cloud enables effective and efficient learning, teaching and administration, but that the challenges faced by schools, colleges and universities urgently needed to be addressed. The issues related not only to infrastructure and security but also to the training needs of his staff. He explained how the issues were very complex and many leaders were facing them right now. Participants confirmed that guidance and support were needed and a blueprint for leaders and managers would be useful.


European policy under the Digital Agenda and Europe 2020 is committed to innovation and change through the use of open access to education through new technologies. The Cloud offers huge potential for this. However despite huge investment and major developments in business, education continues to lag behind. 


There are many reasons for this but particularly policy remains weak at European level and fragmented at national, regional and organisational scales. Major funding support for training is missing and pilot projects fail to be scaled up despite obvious benefits to productivity.


Visit, contribute and use the leadership and management workshop activities on the Cloud at:

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